This is a short one, and hard to dispute. “How many parts does the Bible have? The Bible has two parts: Old and New Testament.“ My only comment would be that the term “Old Testament” refers to a book that can’t be interpreted independent of the new testament. In my eyes, the correct way would […]
5. What is the Bible?
This week’s statement is the following: What is the Bible?“The Bible or Holy Scripture is the set of books that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, have God as their main author and have been delivered as such to the Church.“This statemet does not say anything about the content of the Bible, only […]
2. How can humans know God?
Hi again, it’s Sunday, and it”s been a long day, but here is my second commentary on the “Summary of the Catholic faith” which are taught to my eight year old son who goes to a Catholic School in Spain. The second phrase of the book is the following: 2. How can humans know God?People […]
1. Can humans get to know God?
This is the first of a series of commentaries on the Summary of Catolic Faith, based on my child’s primary education pamphlet named “Resumen de la Fe Católica” This small book containts 142 statements, that in a splendid way, I will say, summarized the Catholic faith. My commentaries on these statements are only reflections and […]
En idé skiller seg fra en annen slik impulser kan følges eller hemmes og manifestere seg som ukultur versus kulturelt ubehag